Admiral's Log: 7:10 am, 10/17/16
Air Temp: 64 Water Temp: 69
Winds: 3 mph
Speed: 8.5 mph
Another early morning, no rest for the wicked! Three locks today; the Wilkins with a 25 foot drop, the Amory with 30 and the Aberdeen with 27, a total of 82 feet today.
The moon was still visible at 7:30 |
Jill Kristy and Copper Penny exiting the first lock. |
Water was like glass, love the reflection. |
Tons of Herons on the rivers, so peaceful. |
Columbus Air Force Base was nearby, where they only train pilots. |
We got to the Columbus Mississippi Marina at a little after 1. We needed a day to chill after the long day before. There was a nice cocktails with about 20 other boaters, both Loopers and non loopers.
We borrowed the courtesy car and went to dinner at Little Dooey's a local Bar B Que restaurant, with Sweet T, Jill Kristy, Copper Penny and non loopers Time Out.