Admiral's Log: 7:10 am Wed., 2/17/16
Temp: 61
Winds: 5 mph
Speed: 8.3 knots
Joe left today after his meeting and Mike and I took off in the boat to North Palm Beach. I'm going to miss Joe's help and wit. But hopefully Barb and Joe will meet up with us later on this journey.
It was a sunny but quite cool ride. I had on earmuffs and a jacket. We got to Old Port Cove Marina at 2:15. No wonder this is a 5 star marina. Great location, lots of shopping and restaurants nearby, many within in walking distance. It has a courtesy van, great internet, floating docks and moveable cleats (boaters will appreciate!). They also have four washers and dryers (another boater plus) and two nice baths and showers. We had a late lunch at the marina restaurant. I had a roasted beet salad with mozzarella and Mike had tuna on a croissant. I washed sheets and towels and we had leftovers for dinner.
Thursday I did more laundry, then we walked to Publix and had the courtesy van pick us up since we had bags of groceries. We then walked to West Marine and got in our 10K steps. Mike replaced a couple of blower fans and I worked on my Blog. Then we had a Mexican dinner with Katy and Daniel.
Friday we rented a car and went to Walmart, West Marine again...and the UPS store to ship a couple of things. The boat was a salty mess and the marina offered boat washings; the dock hand was there for over 2 hours, Mike said it was worth his time. We picked up our personalized fender covers we had ordered shipped to the marina.
Katy suggested we buy Apple TV so we could use her Netflix account, so we went to Best Buy (rental car was coming handy). We watched a good movie called "Field of Shoes", a true story about VMI and the Civil War while we ate Teriyaki chicken and fried rice.
Today is Saturday the 20th and we have officially been gone 1 month! Hard to believe. So maybe I can make 11 more.
We went fishing with Katy, Daniel and their friends today. It was still kind of overcast and a bit windy and the water was not all that warm, so we were not sure how the fishing would be. It started a little slow, but we finally ended up catching 12 large mouth bass and 8 peacock bass. Peacock bass are really colorful, thus the name. They originally came from South America to eat the tropical fish people let out of their aquariums into the rivers and lakes.

We had dinner with Katy, Daniel and their friends, JP and Kristen at the Sailfish Marina Restaurant. We thought the food was decent, but kind of overpriced.
Sunday, while we still had the rental car, we made a quick trip to an Italian market and Publix and guess where? West Marine, I mean Tiffany's! We should buy stock in that darn company. Friends, Bonnee and Casey Jones arrived around 11 to join us for a few days as we head north. The guys returned the rental cars and filled the boat with water to get ready to leave in the morning. We grilled steaks, with baked potatoes and green beans for dinner.
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