Friday, April 15, 2016

MANTEO to ELIZABETH CITY / Tuesday, April 12 to

Admiral's Log:    6:35 am, Tues., 4/12/16
                         Temp:   58
                         Winds:   10 mph
                         Speed:   6.6

We decided we needed to leave early to avoid as much of the winds and rough seas as possible as we crossed the Albermarle Sound. It started out pretty overcast and began to rain just about the time we got to Pelican Marina in Elizabeth City at 11:30. 

On the way we saw a Navy C2 Greyhound; which is a plane with a big round radar on top.

Elizabeth City is the start of the Dismal Swamp. There are two routes to Norfolk. One goes to Coinjock NC and the other goes through the Dismal Swamp. Most Loopers take the Swamp Route because it is suppose to be so pristine and peaceful. The Dismal Swamp did not get it's name from being a treacherous route, but rather the word dismal was actually another name for swamp. 

The snaky swamp route.
George Washington and Patrick Henry among others, were instrumental in digging of the swamp for a settlement. Later it became a supply route for the Confederacy, which was eventually shut down by Union Troops. Slaves were  even known to hide there. It was later bought by a lumber company, and in 1973 it became part of the National Park system.

When we docked the Dock Master said Zephyr and Sweet T would be arriving around 5. Since it was raining and these were not the best docks, we helped them tie their lines. Everyone was pretty tired from fighting the rough seas. So Mike and I just ordered pizza delivered to the boat.

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